Web Apps on macOS Sonoma got a proper install experience
How we detected Web Apps availability on macOS platform.

How GoodNotes uses web APIs to create a great PWA for Windows
Let's explore how GoodNotes uses web APIs to make their PWA great on Windows, especially on devices that support pen and touch input.

Only 37% of PWAs implement service workers - A quick review of the PWA ecosystem
Presenting some data and insights derived from PWABuilder.com

You Won’t Believe How We Enabled In-App Purchases for PWAs on iOS
This post guides us through the journey of how we wrangled Swift to integrate in-app purchases in iOS PWAs.

Building Memos AI - A Developer's Perspective
Come take a look at how you can leverage artificial intelligence on the web with MemosAI, a smart, note-taking application built by PWABuilder engineer Justin Willis.

Announcing the App Capabilities Card
Introducing the new App Capabilities section of the PWABuilder Report Card page

Mimic Native Transitions In Your Progressive Web App
Learn how to add different types of page transitions to your Progressive Web App!

Use the PWABuilder CLI to Create a New Progressive Web App
Announcing PWABuilder's new CLI. Create, develop, and test from an easy-to-use PWA template.